
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Metalhead Writes

So I've been working on a number writing projects with the intention of releasing them on Amazon's KDP services.  It turns out that the method of which I was hoping to utilize for this process and the pricing I was aiming for isn't an option there so I've decided to just open it up.

This blog will be solely for the purpose of my writing and as I develop each new story with each new chapter, I'll update accordingly.  It will look bare for a while, but bookmark it and check back periodically.

You can also follow me on Twitter (@NYMetalhead) and Google+ (links will open in a new window,) as with each update I'll be shooting out a message on each to let anyone who might be interested know when it's up and ready to be read.

Each story will be a separate page with the table of contents up top to skip to whichever chapter you're tuning in for.  I'll happily read any and all comments including any regarding formatting and layout.  If the page/chapter layout becomes cumbersome over time, or if a reader just happens to have some insight on a more efficient system for this, I'll happily take it into consideration.

With that said, I'll leave you all with the prologue for an Alice story I've been contemplating and one I hope you'll enjoy.  Just don't expect an update on it too quickly as this one is my passion and it will be developed very slowly over time.

Thanks and happy reading,

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